Advocacy round-tables were organised in both Partner countries – Albania and Serbia, to present the draft policy and practice recommendations and lobby for their further development and mainstreaming. These draft recommendations were a result of gathered reflections on the needs of both young people and youth workers regardless whether they were coming from the formal or nonformal education systems. The draft recommendations were discussed both in the plenary conversation and in working groups to focus more on two most important aspects: the content of the programmes for social and financial education on one side, the recommended models of learning and transferring knowledge and skills whilst inspiring and provoking changes in attitudes and opinions on the other side. All the discussions led to the second draft of the recommendations that were finalised and put together as a joint set of recommendations for both Albania and Serbia.
Round-table in Albania
The Round-table in Albania was held on the 3rd October of 2020 in Korca and gathered 21 participant from municipal institutions, formal and non-formal education system.
Round-table in Serbia
The Round-table in Serbia was held in Belgrade on November the 5th in 2020 and it gathered 28 participants from NGOs, formal education system and education related institutions.